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with J. Regner "Weather extremes,
agriculture and the value of weather index insurance " (2023), The Geneva Risk and Insurance Review,
"Grenzen der Versicherbarkeit " (2022), Die VersicherungsPraxis , 07/08-2022, 8-10.
" Leverage and Risk Taking under Moral Hazard " (2022), Journal of Financial Services Research , Vol. 61, 167-185.
Interview at
the 10th Forum Climate Economics: Insurance of Climate Risks - Between Private Provision and Public Intervention.
with K. Krähnert, D. Osberghaus, L. Hecker, F.
Wätzold, L. Habtemariam, and S. Fluhrer "Versicherung von Klimarisiken - zwische privater Vorsorge und staatlicher Intervention" (2021),
Hintergrundpapier zum 10. Forum Klimaökonomie .
with K. Krähnert, D. Osberghaus, F. Wätzold, L. Hecker, L. Habtemariam, and S. Fluhrer
"Insurance Against Extreme Weather Events: An Overview" (2021), Review of Economics ,
72(2): 71 – 95 .
with X.
Tran “NatCats and Insurance in a Developing Economy - New Theoretical and Empirical Evidence ”
(2020), Beiträge zur Jahrestagungdes Vereins für Socialpolitik 2020.
"Save or Pay-As-You-Go " (2019), Beiträge zur Jahrestagung des Vereins für Socialpolitik 2019: 30 Jahre Mauerfall - Demokratie und Marktwirtschaft- Session: Public
Economics - Pensions and Savings, No. B10-V3.
with E.
Kas ke “ Reform der Altersvorsorge für die Rentenphase " (2018),
“ Retirement Funding,
Inequality, Insurance “ (2018), Insurance Thought Leadership.
with D. Hofman, M. Gosden, R. Klein S. Leppla, C. Schmidt and P. Skjoedt
“ The 'Low for Long' Challenge - Socio-Economic Implications and the Life Insurance's Response " (2017), Geneva Association Research Report.
with B. Keller “Implications of Our Aging
Population “ (2017), Insurance Thought Leadership.
with E. Kaske “Neue Impulse für die Altersvorsorge “ (2016),
“ A Model of Mortgage Losses and its Applications for Macroprudential Instruments ” (2015), Journal of
Financial Stability , Vol. 16, 183-194. [also in: Discussion Paper Deutsche Bundesbank , No. 34/2013 ]
“Outlook for Latin
America’s Insurance Sector” (2015), Financial Service Advisor , a publication by The Dialogue, December 3-16, 2015.
with B. Keller “Big Data, Insurance and the Expulsion from the Garden of Eden ” (2015), Newsletter
Insurance Economics , No. 72, July 2015, The Geneva Association.
“Fundamental and Non-Fundamental Explanations for House Price Fluctuations ” (2015), Oesterreichische Nationalbank, Proceedings of OeNB Workshops, No. 19, 42-49.
with B. Keller, F. Liczba,
P. Riga, A. Ruof, M. Strnad, D. Swaden and P. Wöhrmann “Benefits and
barriers: global insurers’ role in foreign direct investment ” (2014), working paper, Zurich Insurance Company .
with J. Berset, M.
Christen, H. Germann, D. M. Hofmann, B. Keller and K. Müller "Long-term investments, risks and regulation: an insurance perspective ." (2014), Risk Nexus , Zurich Insurance Company.
with B. Keller and R.
Suter “Insurance in Latin America – Economic
Growth Brings New Opportunities ” (2014), , February 13, 2014.
“An Economic Approach to Market Risk ” (2013), in: Berlemann, M. und Maltritz, D.(ed.) Financial Crises,
Sovereign Risk and the Role of Institutions . Springer International Publishing.
“Insuring Natural
Catastrophes in Latin America” (2013), Financial Service Advisor , a publication by The Dialogue, October 9, 2013.
“ The Influence of Herding Behaviour on House Prices ” (2012), Journal of European Real Estate Research, Vol. 5 Issue 3 [Winner of the 2013 Outstanding Paper Award].
with T. Jokipii “Housing Bubbles and Interest Rates ” (2012), Swiss National Bank Working
Papers , 2012-7 [see also corresponding article on ].
with J. Arkell and B.
Keller "The Role of Insurance in Latin America "(2012),
Zurich Insurance Group .
"Lending Behavior and Real Estate Prices " (2011), Journal of Banking and Finance , Vol. 35, Issue 9,
"Herding Behavior in Asset Markets" (2009), Journal of Financial Stability , Vol. 5, Issue 1, 35-56.
“Banks and Real Estate Prices” (2009), Swiss National Bank Working Papers ,
“Explaining House Price Fluctuations” (2009), Swiss National Bank Working
Papers , 2009-5.
with P. Monnin "Fundamental Real Estate Prices: An Empirical Estimation with International Data " (2008), Journal of Real Estate
Finance and Economics , Vol. 36, No. 4, 427-450 [see als corresponding FinRisk working
paper ].
with A. Kunkel and G. Nerb "The accuracy of turning point predictions with the Ifo Business Climate " (2007), in: Goldrian, G.: Handbook of
Survey-Based Business Cycle Analysis , 2007, Elgar, Cheltenham, 175-196.
with A. Kunkel and G. Nerb “Turning Point Predictions with the Ifo Business
Climate" (2004), Papers and Proceedings of the Research Institute of Economic Development, Inst. Rozwoju Gospodarczego , Warschau.
“Finanzkrisen – Eine portfoliotheoretische Betrachtung von Herdenverhalten und
Ansteckungseffekten als Ursache von Finanzkrisen” (2004). Peter Lang Verlag,
with A. Kunkel “Kreditklima leicht verbessert ” (2004), ifo
Schnelldienst , 10, 41-42.
with A. Kunkel “Ein ifo Beschäftigungsindikator ” (2004),
ifo Schnelldienst , 6, 53-57.
with A. Kunkel “Kreditpolitik der Banken” (2003), ifo
Schnelldienst , 19, 51-54.
with Greßmann, O. and A. Karmann “Contagion of Currency Crises – Some Theoretical and Empirical Analysis ” (2002), Deutsche Bank Research Notes in
Economics & Statistics , 02/2.
“National vs. International Welfare Effects of Horizontal Mergers ” (2001), Dresden Discussion Paper Series in Economics , Nr. 10/01.
“Industrieökonomik II: Oligopoltheorie” (2001), in: M. Berlemann
(ed.) Allgemeine Volkswirtschaftslehre. Aufgaben und
Lösungen , Oldenbourg Verlag München/Wien, 139-148.